A Hallowe'en romp for children of all ages who start planning their costumes early.
Randy (Miranda) Craig, sessional lecturer at the U of Alberta, is caught up in a murder inquiry of a student.
Randy is teaching online, and moonlighting as a monitor in a chat room. What could possibly go wrong?
At the Folkways Collection at the Centre for Ethnomusicology, Randy finds death and folk music harmonize.
An unsolved mystery in the Archives and present day bodies piling up makes Randy question if the past isn't catching up.
A honeymoon in Puerto Vallarta is a very Edmonton thing to do. Murder is a very Randy Craig thing. Combine and stir.
Reunions can be hell, especially when a murderer returns to finish off what was started twenty years ago.
Melding English and Drama depts to provide a Shakespeare camp at the outdoor festival offers a front row seat to murder.
Imogene samples everything Paris can offer! Fine dining, good reading and a mystery to solve!
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